Seat Reservation

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Date of Birth:
Select the semester in which you attended the last exam in current university:
Date when you appeared for your last exam in current university?
Current address
Is your current address different from your permanent address?
Are you a referred student?:
Are you employed?
Have you submitted all academic documents at EduAcharya?
I agree the information I have provided here is true and genuine. I also verify that I am not currently working in government or government controlled sector. I acknowledge that the university may reserve the right to reject my application, without notice, if they deem the information I have submitted is false.
Seat acknowledgement:
Depending on the seat availability, If the seat is available, the applicant should pay the partial fees within 2 hours to reserve the seat for the given academic batch. If the applicant fails to pay the fee within the timeframe University will consider the next applicant and the student will get a seat cancellation mail. (If seat reservation is made after 4:00PM, student will get the seat confirmation the next working day)

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